Equality Diversity and Inclusivity
“Stories” is the trading name for Stories (Holdings) Limited and its wholly owned subsidiaries, Stories (Services) Limited and Stories (Investments) Limited.
Stories’ Ambition
In support of the ongoing success of Stories’ staff, the teams we work with, the industry we work within and the wider communities that we both develop and work with, Stories is committed and accountable for advancing equality, diversity and inclusion in all its forms.
Stories believes that diversity is critical to maintaining excellence in all of our endeavours and recognises the benefits that diversity can bring to maximise corporate goals.
Stories embraces all differences including age, gender, ethnicity, physical appearance, physical or mental disabilities, values, lifestyle, religion, sexual orientation and identity, nationality, education and family responsibilities.
Focus Areas
Stories is committed to embedding and mainstreaming equality, diversity and inclusion through the following four, overarching areas of focus:
Employee recruitment, retention and behaviours.
By this we mean:
Equity of opportunity for prospective employees
Equity of opportunity and attainment for employees
An inclusive workplace
Appropriate training
Employees reflecting Stories’ values in their behaviour
Development delivery.
By this we mean:
Reflecting strong ED&I principles in what we do day to day
Promoting ED&I in the selection of our professional teams and constructors through inclusiveness of communication, and relationship building with BAME practices and professional advocacy groups
Embedding ED&I practices and procedures in the legal / governance / management structures of our projects
Places we create.
By this we mean:
Creating places that both appeal and are accessible to a broad range of people
Promoting community inclusion in both the design and operation of our developments, through creation of positive community relationships and ensuring views of under-represented groups are heard
Industry we work in.
By this we mean:
Promoting positive thought leadership on ED&I within the property industry
Supporting groups advocating ED&I
Monitoring will include assessing how the equality, diversity and inclusion policy, and any supporting action plans are working in practice, reviewing them annually, and considering and taking action to address any issues.
What the Law Says
It is important that all employees understand that they are required by law to comply with anti-discrimination legislation. Ignorance of the law is no defence and both Stories and the individual can be held liable if they contravene the legislation detailed below, or any amendment or consolidation of it, or enactment of any new discriminatory legislation.
The Equality Act 2010 draws together all the discrimination legislation which has been introduced since 1970. The Act protects the following groups:
Gender Reassignment
Pregnancy and Maternity
Religion or Belief
Sexual Orientation
Marriage and Civil Partnership
It is unlawful to victimise anyone because they have brought a complaint related to the above legislation.
Responsibility for Equal Opportunities
Stories is committed to the implementation of this policy. All individuals in Stories play a vital part in implementing this policy.
Each employee is responsible for their own behaviour and for maintaining an environment in which discrimination, harassment and victimisation are regarded as unacceptable.
The Chief Executive Officer will communicate this policy to employees and investigate complaints.
Each individual must ensure that they do not indirectly support unfair behaviour by ignoring what is happening around them. All staff are required to comply with the policy and to act in accordance with its objectives.
Any act of discrimination by employees or any failure to comply with the terms of the policy will result in disciplinary action. Discriminatory conduct and sexual, racial or disability harassment and bullying will be treated as gross misconduct and may result in dismissal.
Complaints Procedure
If you feel you are being treated unfairly it is important that you do not ignore the problem or blame yourself. We will treat all complaints seriously. If you feel that you are being discriminated against in any way you should inform the Chief Executive Officer immediately.